I'm completely shut off from social media, just my little games. Those aren't even important all the time, I just like that few minutes of the day.
I don't care what everyone is all up in arms about today.
I don't care whose god is winning in the war of the god arguments.
I don't care what anyone believes about anything.
It's okay.
I'm not being exposed to any of it.
I'm not being allowed to participate in it.
I'm going to go back old school, real connections, a little of this, a little of that.
I like my little world, so I've got no problem with shutting everyone out.
One group is pissed off at your for not being pissed off about something else. This group over here hates that group over there and there's all sorts of language you can't use in these conversations.
I have learned to stop doing things I hate. Artificial intelligence is tagging me for certain content and putting me in facebook jail for long periods of time. What's the point right? There isn't one.
I blog and will share that, but who cares about all the negativity that's spread repeatedly across one group after another.
Guess what?
I don't care if you don't like it.
You heard me!
This is my life.
I get only this one.
You don't get to shape my views, force me to see things your way, or tell me what I'm supposed to be passionate about.
Stay in your lane!
I don't care if you don't like it.
Just in case those in the back of the room didn't hear it the first time.
I create my reality and social media sucks the life out of everything good because everybody has a damn opinion, argument or they think they are being clever.
They are doing me a favor!
There are many I love.
I have friends that totally rock.
I'll never understand friending someone you don't like, just to be a dick to them on their page. When did that nonsense start? I block and or unfriend people I don't really like. There's no point going back and forth with them all the time.
I set my air conditioner up for my art room, I painted a little here, planned a little there, took a nap, haven't had dinner yet, talked to the fish.
Life is beautiful.
No one has pissed me off all day long.
Not one single person has said something stupid or disrespectful to me.
I had a wonderful day, without the world of social media.
It's no fun anymore anyway.
It doesn't make money, so it doesn't make sense.
I can't deal with everyone else's stuff anyway.
I don't want to be involved with the drama, the division, sides to sides to more sides and lines in the sand.
It's not that serious for me.
I love so many people. It's okay to walk away.
It's okay to be who you are without allowing anyone to have a say about it.
I don't care who your god is or what you believe.
I don't care what your political views are, your fears, the things that frustrate you with society, I'm over here trying to work on me and I've got plenty of problems without all of that thanks. I can't fix anyone but myself, I can change the world that's right in front of me and I'm not going to go around bitching about everything like so many do.
Some people have a problem with anyone besides them getting anything and they talk about it to anyone who will listen.
Not me.
Get it!
Get more!
I'm happy for you!
I hope someone comes along and gives you some more!
I know that everyone can win and there's more than enough to go around.
I'm loving the silence, the middle of the night and early morning walks with the dog, I'm loving the solitude and no one around to throw their opinion in. I'm loving the moment, each and every one of them. I'm planning, growing, knowing what the future brings will be good.
I can't speak for anyone else but myself.
My first day out of captivity, the slavery to social media, I killed it and it was fun and that's what every day of my life is going to be without it as well.
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